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Carpets are among the household items that need to be cleaned at regular intervals, and when this cleaning is not done, the hygiene standards of the living environment decrease. Not cleaning for a long time causes all the dirt and dust to collect at the bottom of the carpet fringes. For this reason, it is vital to carry out the cleaning process without delay in order to prevent the accumulation of dirt.

Bamboo carpets are one of the carpet types that are loved and preferred for their soft texture and aesthetic structure. If you have these carpets in your home, there are different methods you can choose for the cleaning process and many materials you can apply. With the help of the cleaning processes that we will share with you, you can complete the cleaning of your bamboo carpets at home. With the regular cleaning process, you can create a hygienic space for every individual living in the house.

How to Clean Bamboo Carpet?

The first step you can take for cleaning is getting rid of the coarse residue and dirt on the carpet. There are two methods you can choose for this step. The first is to clean the surface from dirt by using the appropriate end of the vacuum cleaner for carpet cleaning. The second is the whipping of the carpet by hanging it somewhere. In the whipping process, an area where the carpet can be ventilated at the same time should be selected. The carpet hung in the balcony or garden can be cleaned by whisking with the help of a thin stick. Light and moderate impacts will not cause any damage to the soft texture of the bamboo carpet.

The second step you can take for cleaning involves wiping the entire carpet surface. There are different mixtures that can be used for this erasing process. While carpet shampoo is a recommended option, it is not an essential item for detailed cleaning. It can be used for wiping by mixing dish soap and warm water in half in a bowl. Since there is no bleach in the dishwashing detergent, it will not cause problems such as fading or flowing in the carpet color. You can dip a clean cloth into this mixture that you have created with warm water and dish soap, and then move the cloth over the carpet surface with circular movements.

If there is any stain on the carpet, it can be moistened beforehand to soften the stain. Thus, it can be easily removed during the deletion process. Care should be taken not to use very hot or very cold water while soaking the stain.

How to Clean Bamboo Carpet?

The third and final step in cleaning is to let the carpet dry. The most ideal environment you can choose for the drying process is the open air. It is recommended that the carpet be in contact with the open air to dry without odor. A point to be considered for drying is that the carpet is not left under direct sunlight for a long time. It may seem like a good idea at first glance, as it will dry faster in sunlight. However, being under sunlight for long hours can cause fading in the vibrant colors of the carpet. The most ideal drying method is to leave it in the open air in a shaded or reflected sunlight environment.

Bamboo carpet cleaning facilities are offered for those who cannot find time to spare for carpet cleaning or who want to get professional support. By using these services, you can ensure that your carpet is thoroughly cleaned at regular intervals.

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